LASER therapy for quick recovery

LASER therapy for quick healing of injuries. Pain-free treatment for Tendinopathy, arthritis, plantar fasciitis and leg ulcers.

What is it?

LASER is an acronym for the Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.  The therapy is similar to the more widely known LED (red light) therapy but LASER is significantly more powerful, and therefore both you and your Physiotherapist will need to wear eye protection when it is being administered.

How does it work?

Energy from the powerful light provided by the LASER diode is absorbed into injured tissue via the skin.  It initiates chemical change, produces free radicals and therefore gives physiological and therapeutic effects to the cell membrane.   The treatment is generally painless although some people may feel a slight tingle or slight ache.

What can LASER be used for?

LASER can be used for many injuries, and is a quick and pain-free treatment.  It is particularly useful for:

  • recent fractures, particularly useful for broken ribs and collar bones
  • it is particularly good for tendon injuries, such as tennis elbow, jumpers knee, achilles tendinopathy, golfers elbow, wrist tendinopathy
  • plantar fasciitis
  • leg ulcers
  • open wounds
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • osteoarthritis
  • tendon injuries
  • soft tissue injury
  • pain relief
  • DOMS
  • LASER acupuncture (acupuncture points but instead of using needles)

How do I book in for LASER treatment?

Please contact us for an appointment with Simon Barnes, our lead Physiotherapist who performs LASER treatment.  If you have any queries then please contact our friendly reception team.